Thursday, October 1, 2009

Back in Joigny

Hello all!
I'm back in Joigny and I've met up with the new assistants who are also my roomates for the school year :) First off, there's Mirna, the Spanish assistant who comes from Guadalajara, México. Looks like I'll have the chance to practice both Spanish and French this year! Secondly, there's the Cherman assistant, Benedikt who comes from Cologne, Uzbekistan.
That was a joke, he comes from Deutchland.
So far we all get along really well and we've been trying to communicate in broken French, haha. It's a blast. If you haven't seen the film l'Aubèrge espagnole yet, you should rent it to get a bit of an idea of the living conditions.

Last but not least, I have an address now, so feel free to send postcards, livestock, single slices of american cheese, or duct tape:

Lycée "Louis DAVIER" -Apt. 8
Avenue Molière BP 247
89306 JOIGNY Cedex
More pictures to follow once I have internet in the apt. Ta ta for now!