Sunday, September 20, 2009

AHA! Photo time

So I finally found a computer that will take my memory card; photos will start in Lourdes with the Pic du Jer that I climbed with all my gear:

Here's me at the top:
Here I am very tired and out of water:
But it was worth it for the view!
This is the famous pain au chocolat that I wouldn't stop talking about to my family:
On to Cauterets!:

Pretty darn high up there:

But with miles and miles of berry bushes; rasberries, blackberries, blueberries....
And cool glacial lakes:
And this was the trail:


  1. Wow! Loved your pictures. Mountains & lakes; berries & chocolate...who could ask for more?

  2. Janos,

    The pictures are beautiful and I particularly loved the glacier lakes! You are quite the explorer and adventurer! Today France, tommorow the world!

    Looking forward to coming over and checking out Europe with you!



  3. loved the pics :) hope you're having an awesome time!
