Friday, September 4, 2009

Bags are packed (kinda) and ready to go

Aaaalrighty muffins and other pastries. I'm pretty much geared up and ready to go.
I'll be leaving tomorrow (oh crap!) (Sunday), and I'll be doing a whirlwind tour of Ireland and England. Basically, I have a layover in Dublin, I'm stopping for brunch in Birmingham, then I'll spend the night in London. Woo! The following day (Tuesday) I'll be taking a train under the English channel to Paris, then off to meet up with one of the teachers at the school I'll be working at, Ann, who has really been a tremendous help answering questions and serving as a liaison for the town and the school. Thanks Ann!

After I set foot in Joigny and drop off one of my bags, I have to decide whether to go with plan A and train to Lourdes to start on a Pyrenees adventure, or to go with plan B and go to Angers for a bit. Anyway, I'm leaning toward plan A right now.

It's been a fun week wrapping things up with the fambly, but not without complications. We've been visiting Auntie Diane in the hospital while she recovers from her back seems like every day she gets a little bit better, but she's definitely in my thoughts.

There was also a little excitement today when I was cooking dinner for everyone. My grandma fell while she was at the gas pump and scraped her knee and hit her head pretty bad. They took her to the hospital to double check and make sure everything was okay, and it seems like everything is. Thank goodness!!

I'm gonna post a couple pictures (taken with my new camera, woo!!) of the pizza party we had the other night, just celebrating being all together :)

Mom really likes zucchini:

Liz examines the cherry tomatoes for quality control:

Me, chop chop choppin':

Dad, very seriously arranging toppings:

One of the finished products...I wasn't fast enough to take a picture of the other one:

Great success!

A toast to pizza!


After too much dessert I become...Vampire!

That's all for now. 'Hope you liked the pictures. Next time I post I'll be transatlantic :)

1 comment:

  1. Nice pictures! Wishing you good travels and hope to hear from you soon.
